Sunday, March 4, 2012

AOW March 5

    In the article, “Controversial Kids Movies” certain Disney and Pixar films are examined for having hidden (racy) messages.
    The article was posted on which is a website that gives movie listings and information on movies.
    This article was written in response to several allegations that arose because of what some people believed were inappropriate scenes.
    The purpose of this article was to show the ridiculousness in some accusations.  It proved that the kids films are usually just kids films- with no hidden meanings on feminism, sexism or smoking.  These films do nothing to corrupt teens, despite what some parents may believe.  
    The author of this article used the rhetorical devices of humor and description.  The author successfully undermines and makes fun of the allegations.  For example, “It took only two weeks before conservative critics began perpetrating the idea that the recently released "Muppets" movie was a vehicle used to brainwash your children into being anti-oil and anti-one-percent. Of course, it's no surprise that Miss Piggy got the last laugh on that”  (1).  The writer also gave a summary of the scene so that the audience is on the same page.  For example,  “This episode of Disney sex conspiracies involves everyone's favorite Shakespeare adaptation, "The Lion King." During the film, there's a scene where Simba looks off into the night sky and sees what appears to be the word "SEX" scrawled in stars. However, the animators stated that it actually says "SFX," standing for special effects” (2).  The writer also supplied the actual photo so that the audience could make an opinion of it themselves. 
    The audience intended for this article is people who enjoy movies, in this case, specifically the kid kind.  Also, people who go on
    The writer was successful.  He/she provided the necessary information, used a humorous tone so that the audience could infer she was mocking the allegations and at the same time, allowed the audience to form their own opinions.

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