Sunday, March 11, 2012

AOW March 11

In the article. “Moms of Boys Are Jealous Shrews, So Here's a Contract for Your Son's Future Wife” Jenny Isenman describes the tasks a daughter in law must take to show appreciation to the mother in law.  Isenman is a humor columnist for a blog at suburban  The purpose of this article was to be ridiculous and to show that mothers are very attached to their sons. Daughter in laws should be sensitive to the fact that they “took away” someone’s son and should go to extremes to appreciate their mother in laws.  The audience intended for this article are readers of Huff Post and in general, women.  The rhetorical element mainly used is exaggeration. For example: “My husband has told me time and time again to cut the cord... no f*****g way! I'm waiting until that thing rots and falls off” (1) and “If he's 40 and wants me to lie with him and scratch his arm, I'll be all "Move over, Megan," or whatever his unappreciative, son-stealing wife's name is” (2).  Isenman is annoyingly pessimistic.  Sure, she really loves her son, but maybe she’ll also really love her daughter in law?  Why does there have to be competition between a mother and daughter in law?  She’s just being childish and truthfully, I feel sorry for whatever kind woman marries her son.  She most likely wrote this article to make all those mommies out there laugh, but to me, she just looks a bit insane.  Isenman: calm down.  Your son will never cut you out of his life…unless you continue with these obsessive thoughts.  Your son is five years old. Don’t forget that.|main5|dl13|sec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D142553

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