Sunday, January 1, 2012

AOW January 1

This article is about Tom Carano, who lost 230 pounds after being obese for most of his life.  He spent “ a lot of years overweight, depressed and just existing in my miserable self” (1).  He realized his only option was to lose weight the healthy way through diet and exercise and not gastro surgery, as his wife would be forced to take care of him.  He did not want that for her. He got a membership at the YMCA and walked for 20 minutes three times a week and started an aerobics class. This combined with eating what he calls “real food” (cheese, peanut butter, chicken, hummus, etc) brought him to his goal. Because the new year has just begun, people are making resolutions- many revolve around weight loss.  The purpose of this article is to inspire other people to lose weight. The audience of this article are readers on aol and also people want to be inspired to lose weight and fulfill their resolution.One rhetorical element used is blunt language.  Carano is very honest and to the point.  For example: “There were not many things I had the energy to do, just work, eat, couch. I knew there was more, but I was too scared to change. I couldn't reach my ankles without breathing so heavily it would wake my wife” (2).The author is successful in this article.  He even made me want to go exercise.|main5|dl6|sec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D124203

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