Sunday, September 18, 2011

Article of the Week # 2 "One Word that Can Save Your Life: No!"

Instead of the intended aim to prevent diseases and improve the quality of life, recent studies have shown that new procedures and screenings can have negative affects on our health.  Sharon Begley, the writer of the article entitled, “One Word Can Save Your Life: No!” is the science columnist and  science editor of Newsweek.  Begley is the coauthor of the book The Mind and the Brain and is the author of Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain.
    The context of this article is a response to a series of  different studies on how medical treatments can affect our health.  One study Begley wrote of involving heart patients with mild chest pain, showed that invasive procedures did not improve their quality of life more than a healthy diet or exercise can.  Other studies came up with the same result; patients who undergo screening and treatment have no fewer strokes or heart attacks than people who do not.  However, the drugs, radiation and procedures of all kinds have side effects that can be dangerous. 
    The purpose of this article was to inform readers that advancing technologies and treatments seem to guarantee the prevention of disease and the extension of life, however, these progressive drugs and tests may be hurting us.  Begley aimed to give a new perspective that, at times, it is best to say “no” to some of our doctor’s suggestions because they may be unnecessary.  
    This piece was written for an audience interested in medical studies.  Also, people questioning a procedure should read this article for a different perspective.
     Some rhetorical elements in this article include formal diction, appeals to logos, ethos and pathos and syntax.
 The author, Sharon Begley accomplished her purpose.  She used a variety of evidence to support her claim including the experiences of individuals as well as studies from major hospitals.  Never once did I question her credibility.  Her article was complete with so many facts, statistics and interviews that I can’t help but look at medical experts in an entirely different way.

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